Saturday, September 1, 2012


“Retailers need to move beyond just ‘advertising’, and an engagement-based, cross-media consumption can facilitate that shift.”
– Robert Passikoff, Founder and President of Brand Keys Inc.
Before I write this blog one of my friend gives me a call from i store seeking suggestion to purchase mobile. The sales rep there is interested to sell a particular model, well we generally ask for suggestions before shopping.
Something which made me think was, how exactly advertising is effective today? What role is it playing? Is this is the purpose of BTL & ATL [advertising strategies or techniques] severed.
Before we invest on generally suggestion are taken from peers, importantly we surf on net which is helping millions to understand the depth of the product [merits &demerits]
Fact for that matter is traditional channels of advertising on T.V, Radio, Newspaper, magazines etc..., is not serving the accurate purpose of convincing the customers to buy their products. Advertising is helping the brand to establish in the market.
When you own a business getting hold on your customers is most important before Ur competitor wins the hearts and minds. The role of digital advertising is increasing rapidly.

Lets get in touch