Friday, October 19, 2012


Never quit life; after all we have only one
‘Every situation in your life happens for your own good’ –Hitesh S
Dear folks I mean every single incidence, situations, moments which passes tik tok in our life it happens for your own good. It so happened experienced 2 incidents very similar today. First in the morning I finished combined studies with my friend as I walked down the stairs I felt he was not comfortable with things which provoked me to get back to him to discuss about it, and secondly I got a message stating got bored with life just because of my friend ‘m alive now,
These two cases made me think over, after talking with them and took suggestions from experienced people finally understood they are not able to balance their life. Most of them fall in the age group of 14-25yrs,which is the most important and crucial age  for every single silly issue they feel it is the end of their life and come to a decision of I QUITE LIFE. Probably you might even remember the situation from the famous movie 3idiots where a student QUITE’S his life.
Friends I strongly suggest you to take a pause and get proper guidance from your mentor. Face the situation YOU WILL WIN IT.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Design your day:

Hitesh s 
‘Planning makes major part of your Day complete’
                                            - Hitesh S
Every individual, management, scientific, technical, construction and let it be any arena of life/field. Everything is planned before it is executed.
Planning makes major part of your task complete. It is 52 Weeks 24hrs which we all utilize/enjoy in a matter of one year. It hardly takes 10mins of your time to plan for your next 24hrs, [on an average 520 mins/9hrs] it is already 40th week of the year, if you turn back 39 weeks are rolled down like sand from one’s fists which can never be returned back.
Bottom line message would love to convey, Make sure you plan for the next day before you head to bed. So that once you’re out of bed you know what exactly to start with and your day will be productive.
"He who fails to plan, plans to fail"
I welcome your valuable suggestion, Critics and comments.
Catch me on
I thank for your valuable time.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Did You Like, Comment, and Share??

Did You Like, Comment, and Share??

        Facebook is the word which first Which comes on to our mind When we see or hear about Like Comment and share isn't??
   Well, when we talk in an ordinary/normal perspective or in the language of a layman;
Like would be Something which emotionally leaves a mark in the heart.
Comment would be something which he would love to raise a voice, tell is opinion and encourage it.
Share would be something very important he passes on with family friends and society.
 Like comment and share are ‘3 Positive Mantras’ Which makes one an optimist. I have been asked this question from friends and the people whom I meet in various sessions and camps. How to keep myself motivated??
One simple step to get that answer is like what is good and ethical, leave a Comment on it Which indirectly gives a positive Hope for the one who receives it, Share your Happiness and success so that listener and you will also get motivated.
To conclude with Bottom line Appreciate the good in people, and they will also appreciate your good work.

Your valuable Comments and critics:

Monday, October 1, 2012

One small Step Big Difference

''If you make a difference in you today;
You will make a difference in the world''
- Hitesh S
# of times we make decisions to take a decision, Yes your beautiful smile on your face tells that we have tried, tried, and failed many times yet again failed to accomplish it.
   It is so seen in most of them they stop for the reason of failure, it doesn't matter even if we make thousands mistake today, what matters is your experience of not doing the same again [I will call it as experience].
I strongly believe in this whenever we make decision Keep this in mind 'Am i taking a RIGHT step in making a at least a small difference in me.
   Make a small difference in you today by taking a right decision and follow it for 45days then look back on 46th day you will find a MASTER in YOU.
Give your valuable comments
Thank you
Hitesh S